ATDTDA (3) Dynamitic mania, 80-86

David Morris fqmorris at
Thu Mar 1 14:19:24 CST 2007

On 2/28/07, Richard Fiero <rfiero at> wrote:
> I don't believe that AtD invites us to make any judgements.  AtD does accurately portray the convergences of the time: Capitalism and Dynamite, labor struggles and terror (State,  Owner and Labor-sponsored), the Rebellion, Trusts, and so on.

Puh-leeze.  Cartoons are hardly accurate portrayals.  "Scarsdale Vibe"
for example?  AtD PORTRAYS forces that were actually at work, but is
by no means "realistic," which seems to me at least a goal for someone
trying to "accurately portray the convergences of the time."  The
characters portraying the different "convergences" are comic and
multi-valent, so they both beg for judgement calls and then contradict
those judgements.  But we ARE meant to judge.

David Morris

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