Dynamite sex,

robinlandseadel at comcast.net robinlandseadel at comcast.net
Fri Mar 2 02:15:57 CST 2007

               Joseph T:

               Funny parenthetical note on photography from Robin .
               Any thoughts on photography as  magical-record, 
               life-force-capturing media in view of  
               Pynchon's  personal photography avoidance.?

Oh yes, oh yes, oh Jesus God Yes. The man did, after all,
first "expose" himself to the world at large via "The Harpooned
Heart" episode FABF05 of the Simpsons to inform us 
"'Thomas Pynchon loved this book almost as much as he loved 
cameras,'" which outta tell ya enough right there, "but wait, 
there's more": all throughtout AtD and Vineland, the 
soul-stealing potential of photography is very heavily 
emphasised. Citations to come,                

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