James Wood's review

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at verizon.net
Fri Mar 2 12:47:07 CST 2007

On Mar 2, 2007, at 12:54 PM, Ya Sam wrote:

> OK, folks I know I'm running ahead a bit, but I you will catch up  
> anyway.
> My first disagreement with Wood. He says: 'The Nazi Captain Blicero  
> in Gravity's Rainbow and the ruthless financier Scarsdale Vibe in  
> Against the Day are not truly frightening figures, because they are  
> not true figures.' Blicero, imo, is a VERY frightening figure. Not  
> true, well, it is a complex character of great mythological  
> dimensions and his Nazi prototypes were very 'true'.

If  only the Nazi's had confined their activities  to buggering  
pretty captive boys and sending them up in rockets.

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