James Wood's review
Bryan Snyder
wilsonistrey at gmail.com
Fri Mar 2 13:32:27 CST 2007
Bilicero is totally f'ing scary... HE"S THE BLEACHER OF BONES!! THE
TEUTONIC GOD OF DEATH!!! THE OVEN!! dear god the Windmill reflection...
anyone who knows ANYTHING about the SS and the Nazi's religious goals knows
they were totally (at least w/ high level personnel like Himmler especially)
wrapped up in their mythological Teutonic history... it is very true and
high level officials like Himmler often had Teutonic code names for their
ritual meetings that took place <going to research this a bit, cause
everyone else spends the time so I feel compelled) Wewelsburg Castle:
from: http://www.forteantimes.com/articles/196_himmler1.shtml
" Over the years, Wewelsburg has become a symbol of the alleged Nazi
obsession with the occult. (See FT81: 37-40; 175:34-35; 48-52) Some have
claimed that Himmler chose the site because it lies on a nexus of 'ley'
energies; others have suggested that bizarre rituals were carried out there
by cults within the Nazi party. It has even been alleged that the castle's
North Tower was such a storehouse of powerful magical energies that all
attempts to destroy it at the end of the war were in vain."
"In the 1930s, Adolf Hitler's Germany presented a glittering surface sheen
of technological modernity. At the annual Nuremberg rallies, fleets of sleek
bombers roared over the upturned faces of the Nazi Party faithful. A system
of autobahns carried traffic at speed the length and breadth of the Reich.
In Berlin in 1936, a magnificent stadium housed the Olympic Games. [image:
Ernst Schäfer]
Ernst Schäfer, leader of the Nazi expedition to Tibet in 1938.
But beneath the tread of marching feet and the rumble of tanks on
Nuremberg's Zeppelin Field, there pulsed the rhythms of a different and much
older set of beliefs, a philosophy that animated the Nazi Party's early
ideologues and, crucially, the man who stood behind Hitler himself –
Heinrich Himmler, chief of the SS.
These beliefs were anything but technological. They were a curious mixture
of ancient Teutonic myth, Eastern mysticism and late 19th-century
anthropology. Whether Adolf Hitler took them wholly seriously is open to
debate. But Heinrich Himmler certainly did. They lay at the heart of the SS
empire he created and which became the most dreaded arm of the Nazi state.
They were also the mainspring behind a Nazi expedition to secure the secrets
of a lost super-race in the mountains of Tibet."
from: http://www.skepticfiles.org/hitler/hitgod.htm
(admittedly not the most scholarly of sources... but "echoes" the same
" These voices urged a state religion supplanting the older creeds,
with its own symbols, its own rituals, and its own zealots avid to convert
Christians into fanatic Hitler-believers, as, once, ancient missionaries had
converted pagans into fanatic Christians. "Adolf Hitler," exclaimed one such
believer (the Nazi Minister for Church Affairs), "is the true Holy Ghost!"
"The Nazis did not survive long enough to complete this development. To the
end, they could not decide whether to retain christianity, construing Nazism
merely as its latest, truest version ("positive christianity," this wing often
called it)--or to concoct a distinctively Nazi creed out of a hodgepodge of
elements drawn from pagan Teutonic mythology and romanticist metaphysics."
So that's all REAL and TRUE and Weissman/Bilicero is a literary
manifestation of several types of Nazi personnel... he had his hands
in the Death Camps, the V-2 Construction, Germany's Africa
and after Operation Paperclip - the readers are to suspend disbelief
and understand that the very symbol of Nazi marrage to technology...
the ultimate BLEACHING... the true goal of any Bilicero (to transcend,
has found a new home here in America.
Look high, not low. (I f'in fell in LOVE with GR when i read that
line... jesus)
LOL - not true and not real... LOL
Now I'm afraid.
That's all -
PS - has anyone any ideas about why a windmill is reflected in
Weissman's eyes?? There is not a windmill on the Heath...
PPS - god i can't wait to finish AtD and re-read GR... I have yet to
read V. lol... such a loser... lol...
On 3/2/07, Ya Sam <takoitov at hotmail.com> wrote:
> OK, folks I know I'm running ahead a bit, but I you will catch up anyway.
> My first disagreement with Wood. He says: 'The Nazi Captain Blicero in
> Gravity's Rainbow and the ruthless financier Scarsdale Vibe in Against the
> Day are not truly frightening figures, because they are not true figures.'
> Blicero, imo, is a VERY frightening figure. Not true, well, it is a
> complex
> character of great mythological dimensions and his Nazi prototypes were
> very
> 'true'.
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