
Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Sun Mar 4 13:19:34 CST 2007

--- mikebailey at wrote:
> As an author, Mr Pynchon would seem to be a natural
> candidate to prefer the "Hebraic" mindset.

"Jewgreek is greekjew. Extremes meet." --James Joyce, 
Ulysses (1922)

"Are we Jews?  Are we Greeks?  We live in the dif-
ference between the Jew and the Greek....  We live in
and of difference, that is, in _hypocrisy....
  Are we Greeks?  Are we Jews?  But who, we?  Are     
   we (not a chronological, but a pre-logical
question)     first Jews or first Greeks? And does the
strange         dialogue between the Jew and the
Greek, peace itself,         have the form of the
absolute, speculative logic of        Hegel, the
living logic which reconciles formal  tautology and
empirical heterology ... ?  Or, on the        
contrary, does this peace have the form of infinite   
    separation and of the unthinkable, unsayable
trans-        cendence of the other? To what horizon
of peace does        the language which asks this
question belong?  From        whence does it draw the
energy of its questions?  Can         it account for
the historical coupling of Judaism        and
Hellenism?  And what is the legitimacy, what is       
the meaning of the _copula_ in this propositionhe most
Hegelian of modern novelists: 'Jewgreek is greekjew. 
Extremes meet'?" --Jacques Derrida, "Violence and
Metaphysics," Writing and Difference (1967)

And see as well, e.g., ...

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