NP: Written for another forum, but I cc: my P-list friends.
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper at
Thu Mar 8 09:09:24 CST 2007
> Please define a virgin.
Why? 'Cuz Jesus was born of a virgin? -- But of Whom?
I can lay an astonishing all-new hermeneutic framework
to answer these questions, and not contradict the bible.
In fact, it will not contradict all right religions.
It will not contradict some things you might have learned
to dogmatically scorn, like hermeticism and other mythos.
If it does not appeal, scorn me too. This is your fate.
If you have already long read sacral-erotic comparisons,
I will bring many confirmations; But, I will also bring
distinctions that I have not seen expounded since Jesus.
My happening upon these truths is not anything I or any
man could wrest for himself, but it was finally to come.
Henceforth I will use baudy lusty bodily language,
for that is the domain in which the truth resides.
Let me first describe the seminal reference facts.
We can wrangle about interpretations another day:
At about 12 (I acknowledge a guess. Twelve is close,
and a significant age.) my innocence was broken by
a first-ever ejaculation, a nocturnal emission that
irrigated my naval. Meanwhile, I dreamed that I saw
a bicycle's sun gear overhead, and a golden drop of
luminous oil was squirting through the rachet parts.
At about 25, say July 1976, I had an acute psychosis,
full of the sudden awareness of God and of Judgment,
whereas I had claimed to be atheist.--"weak" atheism.
Just shortly prior, I had discovered autofellatio, a
"word"; The weight of its spiritual consequences, not
foreseen before undertaken, directly caused my acute,
and for several years later, episodic mental illness.
At about 29 or 30, about 1980 or 81, a bevy of things
happened in a very short space of time, days or weeks;
Their exact order is uncertain, and I will omit many
interesting numinous features: 1) having by this time
developed a strong tantric and meditative habit; Also
some years prior, heard of and accepted Jesus Christ;
I was annointed hair to knees in the mixture of semen
and saliva, when my paps spontaneously moistened, and
I suckled. Immediately following that was left-handed
(even that is significant) masturbation upon my navel
in full lotus position; I found myself in a swoon, as
if violently struck in the head, and many jack-like,
incomplete pentacle-like stars rained down from above
my head, and something remaining was circling rapidly
about my head, just like a classic cartoon depiction.
And the spinning floated down to above my right hand;
And I saw in it some number of small golden luminous
man-like figures; each with his right arm extended to
a man's loins before him; spinning too fast to count,
but I believe seven is enjoined due to later eisegesis.
Meanwhile, I saw myself, bi-located, one of me facing
South in full lotus position where I had been, moving
forward inside a helix being inscribed by chords; and
one of me standing, at say, a knight's move forward 2
and 1 right, facing east. And I retain both memories.
These three things together constitute a prescription
of the "egyptian" rebirth as described in the emerald
tablet; although unknown to to its exoteric examiners.
That was a man-child reborn of himself, Revelation 12.
Had I been a virgin, I could've been that first Jesus.
As it was, I was no virgin, but do specifically fulfil
the features of a later lamb who could open "the book".
But sorting out details of that will take a lot longer.
I said a bevy of things happened at that time. I think
it was next, I was praying, folded hand, "You are holy,
and your spirit is holy." Suddenly, some feeling went
up my right forearm and down again. I parted my hands,
and the left palm showed two raised lumps. The right
hand opposite those showed two crimson dotted circles,
like a double logo of the Target chain store, a double
sun-sign: two fathers. They faded out in a few minutes.
After the initial shock and fear, I raised my right
forearm as to swear, and sware myself silently unto
truth (using the classic formula often heard: "Do you
swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing
but the truth, so help you God?"). Well, Amen, I do!
Soon, I saw the number, "666" writ large in the bosom
of my girlfriend, tall in a strongly reticulated flesh
pattern. She figures strongly in my personal solution
of Revelation's symbols, fulfilling a classic role by
design, like Job's, or Lot's wife, or David's Micah.
Also, there was a reverend who fellowshipped with me.
He "dismissed" me from his frequent tutelage using a
then puzzling tantric gesture: a hard-upraised tongue
held up deep inside a roundly opened mouth, held for
many seconds. I haven't met him again since that day.
Perhaps that's too much of an introduction. Let's see?
If not, we can share lots of hard metaphor mapping work.
Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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