AtdDTA (4) 101 Non-NP Political Spam

Tim Strzechowski dedalus204 at
Thu Mar 8 11:26:34 CST 2007

Hey, no argument from me on this.  Well-addressed and soundly documented, if you ask me.  

And yes, there IS a connection throughout all of P's works.  Thanks for this, Robin.


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: robinlandseadel at
> The whole point of my post: 

> Which brings us back to "DOH!!!!"
> What happed to Libby is tied to the fortunes of the Bush family, is tied
> to Mobil/Exxon, is tied to Watergate, is tied up with Saudi Arabia,
> is tied up with CIA skullduggery in the Middle East and Latin America , 
> and it all comes down to a kerosene oil company's doings in the late
> 1800's. "Everything connects". And showing those connections
> is one of the major threads in Against the Day.
> If you can't talk politics on the P-list, there's no point in 
> talking at all.

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