AtDTdA: bombs & ledgers

Erik T. Burns eburns at
Fri Mar 9 18:21:15 CST 2007

someone mentioned this on p. 87:

"'Every time a stick goes off in the service of the owners, a blast
convertible at the end of some chain of accountancy to dollar sums no
miner ever saw, there will have to be a corresponding entry on the
other side of God's ledger, convertible to human freedom no owner is
willing to grant.'"

And it reminded me of BS Johnson's "Christie Malry's Own
Double-Entry," a very funny book (in its way) that involves bombing &
ledgers very much in the manner ascribed to God by TRP. A-and also has
one of the cleverer sex scenes I've read in awhile, involving a vacuum
cleaner and its attachments.


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