Pynchon's endings

mikebailey at mikebailey at
Sun Mar 11 22:44:59 CDT 2007

Monte Davis wrote:
> You bet. Like David Casseres, I envy you that 
>first-time thrill. But inevitably, just like us 
>jaded old geezers, you'll begin to notice tiny 
>flaws: the occasional infelicity of style, the 
>unresolved metaphor, the verbal tic.

infelicity of style - can't argue that, de gustibus, etc

verbal tic - again, one person's verbal tic may 
be another's incremental repetition or anvil chorus

but -
unresolved metaphor? 
I am trying to think of an example
-would be interested in examples of the infelicities
or verbal tics if only to see whether I agree, but
a resolution to a metaphor ought to be objectively
verifiable.  I'm willing to concede Mr P may only 
be a very knowledgeable demi-god, rather than an
omniscient deity, if you will provide an unresolved 
metaphor (-;
If the resolution to a metaphor in one novel
appears in another, does that count?
Does this statement tie in with your dissatisfaction
with the calculus/pornography metaphor?

I'm actually fishing for a dissertation topic
for when I go back to school after retirement...

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