Fun stuff in M&D

Bryan Snyder wilsonistrey at
Mon Mar 12 01:39:02 CDT 2007

Those are freakin' hilarious...

Every time i pick up M&D I read the first sentence and figure that the book
can only go downhill and I put it back down... someday soon... i still have
a bunch of Pynchon to go, V. is next and then I'll probably be in the mood
for something totally different in every way and that's what M&D seems like
to me.

On 3/11/07, Daniel Harper <daniel_harper at> wrote:
> I'm on page 58 of Mason & Dixon -- a much easier read than I was
> anticipating,
> and seems like a really amazing book. But instead of talking about the
> details, a couple of fun little bits:
> 1.) From page 10 of the hardcover:
> "Keep away fro, harmful Substances, in particular Coffee, Tobacco, and
> Indian
> Hemp. If you must use the latter, do not inhale."
> A Clinton reference in an 18th century historical novel? I laughed out
> loud --
> that was unexpected, even for Pynchon.
> But the real classic:
> 2.) Why would you call a talking dog a Learned English Dog? Perhaps so you
> can
> get away with a three word phrase, buried in the middle of page 22:
> "The L.E.D. blinks, shivers, nods in a resign'd way."
> I refuse to believe that Pynchon wasn't fully cognizant of a blinking
> light
> emitting diode there. So offhand that I didn't even process it as unusual
> at
> first.
> Yeah, I'm really liking Mason & Dixon so far.
> --
> No reference to the present day is intended or should be inferred.
> --Daniel Harper
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