A joke with a slow fuse

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 14 21:47:28 CDT 2007

> At least, that's what I _think_ was funny there...

When it finally hit me, maybe not even what was intended
seeing these other fine explanations, but...

I've been spending many hours at the local library reading
a reference book on the Gods and Goddesses of Egypt, head
drooping after work like a sleepy Pugnax. And maybe more
influential than that, the online text of Sha Rocco's
_The Masculine Cross and Ancient Sex Worship_.

Anyway, Delta, whether upright or inverted, symbolizes
female genitalia; And what is more "First Differences"
than as in "Viva la difference!"? So never knowing the
movie reference, hours later I concluded that Dave was
pointing out the pornographic nature of my statements.

Probably showing that without the true referents, the
mind will keep on until it locates some best metaphor.

And now, by the way, why is delta-T more fascinating
than delta-other? Here we have the Ankh, its delta,
or eye, joined to the Tau, the treble male portion.

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at + earthlink.net
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