Was I a good American in the time of George Bush?

Carvill John johncarvill at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 16 05:21:57 CDT 2007

NP, but worth a mention I reckon.

Rebecca Solnit - author of 'River of Shadows' - has a piece in the Guardian, 
on Good People doing nothing (or not enough anyway) to combat the forces of 

"Was I a good American? How good an American was I? Did I do what I could to 
resist the takeover of my country and the brutalisation of my fellow human 
beings? How much further could I have gone? Were the crimes of the Bush 
administration those that demand you give up your life and everyday 
commitments to throw yourself into maximum resistance? If not, then what 
were we waiting for? The questions have troubled me regularly these last 
five years, because I was one of the millions of American citizens who did 
not shut down Guantánamo Bay and stop the other atrocities of the 



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