One-day conference

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Sun Mar 18 15:59:34 CDT 2007

One-day conference :
Reading Thomas Pynchon's latest novel, Against the Day

Friday June 1, 2007
Organized by the GRAAT
Universite Francois Rabelais
Tours, France

Call for papers

With the first wave of critical response to Against
the Day now abated, and with the June 2008
International Pynchon Conference, which will probably
mark the onset of more ambitious academic studies,
still months away, it seems to be the right time to
acknowledge the event, and to think about what the
French academic tradition can bring to the study of
the novel. If papers concerned with such necessary and
illuminating spadework as critical reception,
intertextuality or possible sources are welcome, the
emphasis will be put on close textual analysis,
especially inasmuch as it is articulated to the
question of the reader's position. This position is
best described as shifting and unstable, both during
reading and along the gradual process by which the
critical enterprise attempts slowly to incorporate the
novel, just as in the novel itself America becomes
gradually incorporated. The aim is not only to
delineate possible directions for the critical
endeavour, but also to make the most of the
indeterminate Zone or Wedge the critical field still
is, before the ineluctable imposing of grids.

Please send abstracts of around 250 words to Gilles
Chamerois (gilleschamerois at by April 20th,

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