Quote of the Day
Dave Monroe
monropolitan at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 24 10:47:46 CDT 2007
--- Expletive Deleted <glennfuller at sbcglobal.net>
> Actually Robert E. Howard's Conan wasn't the first
> to express that
> sentiment.
> To crush your enemies, and see them fall at your
> feet - to take their horses and belongings, and to
> hear the lamentation of their women. That is the
> best life. -
> ---
> Ghengis Khan
That was noted by the Wikipedia, even. Meanwhile ...
To the Editor:
In a recent letter to the editor, Romain Gary asserts
that I took the name "Genghis Cohen" from a novel of
his to use in a novel of mine, The Crying of Lot 49.
Mr. Gary is totally in error. I took the name Genghis
Cohen from the name of Genghis Khan (1162-1227), the
well-known Mongol warrior and statesman. If Mr. Gary
really believes himself to be the only writer at
present able to arrive at a play on words this
trivial, that is another problem entirely, perhaps
more psychiatric than literary, and I certainly hope
he works it out.
Thomas Pynchon,
New York City.
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