ATDTDA (5.1) - The Etienne-Louis Malus
Carvill John
johncarvill at
Mon Mar 26 16:26:53 CDT 2007
Sorry - I guess I was in a Monday Morning Mood when I wrote that!
I certainly didn't meant to suggest that you were 'wrong' or 'silly' to
suggest that teh Chums are a metaphor for America, I was just resisting that
reading of Pynchon that suggests his subject is *always *America, even when
he's piloting an inflatable torpedo along a canal in Bruges.
It's possible that Pynchon does mean the Chums to stand for America, and
America's role as 'world policeman', with all of the contradictions that
implies. I just supsect he's aiming at a broader perspective, that maybe teh
Chums represent something more fundamental, that's in all of us....
>I guess I meant "America," more than "Americans." Aside from
>Pearl Harbor and 9/11, "America," the physical territory, has been
>distant from the rest of the world. Not forgetting, of course, all the
>young Americans
>who've gotten blown to bits fighting America's wars, or the millions of
>lives we've destroyed or tainted in real or proxy wars. But the post 9/11
>is very much concerned with the idea that "we" are no longer immune from
>the troubles of the rest of the world. It reminds me of the post-Vietnam
>who kept prattling about how "America" had lost its innocence during the
>war. Talk of recreating history as fiction ...
>-----Original Message-----
> >From: Carvill John <johncarvill at>
> >
> >Laura:
> >>I get the feeling that the Chums are stand-ins for "us" -- Americans
>as a
> >>whole.
> >Not so sure about that one. Pynchon's outlook is very much an
> >one, and attempts to confine him to the subject of America always fall
> >flat...
> >
> >Cheers
> >JC
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