Delillo's Falling Man

bekah bekah0176 at
Mon Mar 26 22:50:51 CDT 2007

At 2:42 AM +0000 3/27/07, mikebailey at wrote:
>Finally got around to reading "Libra" and really got a feelng for 
>poor Oswald.  Though he's no Pynchon, DeLillo has merits and crunchy 
>goodness of his own.

Imo,  Libra is not DeLillo's best.   If you want some Pynchon-like 
paranoia try The Names.   DeLillo never gets as "encyclopedic" as 
Pynchon,  but the rhythms of his sentences,  especially in Underworld 
where he gave them rein, rate with those of Faulkner or Pynchon or 
any other top-end American literary figure - I should probably say 
world literary figure.

eagerly awaiting Falling Man due out here in June?

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