ATDTDA (5.1) - The Etienne-Louis Malus

Keith keithsz at
Wed Mar 28 08:53:35 CDT 2007

I really don't think Pynchon is offering up Christian grace in AtD.  
That is not a Christian seal (arf) on the book cover. IMO, the  
Eastern concept of grace (illumination or en-light-enment) is more in  
keeping with the themes (darkness/light, invisible/visible,  
unconscious/conscious) of the novel than a Judicial-Christian view.  
Or maybe even saying "Eastern" is too limiting. There is a common  
structure underlying all the slag piles - beyond any one cultural  
form. Carvill is right that Pynchon is more universal than  
"American." More universal than "Christian," too.

On Mar 27, 2007, at 11:36 PM, John BAILEY wrote:

Can't recall if this has been covered already, but the whole idea of
grace in AtD - isn't the Christian version of grace kind of a
get-out-of-jail-free card for the preterite? 

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