Oprah's next Book Selection

bekah bekah0176 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 28 20:25:07 CDT 2007

At 6:35 PM -0400 3/28/07, Monte Davis wrote:
>  > Surely she can encourage people to read books... by simply encouranging
>>  them to do it  on TV or in any other media, why should she MARK the damn
>>  thing?
>Umm.. it's the *publisher* who marks it, in the abundantly substantiated
>belief that an "Oprah's Book Club" sticker or imprint will sell lots of
>I can't see that any harm is done, except to our precious sensibilities.

And considering what McCarthy's work is about,  I think there could 
be some real good done by more people reading it.

"...The Road is a frightening, profound tale that drags us into 
places we don't want to go, forces us to think about questions we 
don't want to ask. Readers who sneer at McCarthy's mythic and 
biblical grandiosity will cringe at the ambition of The Road . At 
first I kept trying to scoff at it, too, but I was just whistling 
past the graveyard. Ultimately, my cynicism was overwhelmed by the 
visceral power of McCarthy's prose and the simple beauty of this 
hero's love for his son."

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