Oprah's next Book Selection

Bryan Snyder wilsonistrey at gmail.com
Wed Mar 28 23:03:47 CDT 2007

ahh.... thank  you.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <robinlandseadel at comcast.net>
To: <Pynchon-l at waste.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 6:15 PM
Subject: RE: Oprah's next Book Selection

>           Bryan Snyder:
>           I am reminded of the Opera singer/writer 
>           who asked TP if she could do a opera based 
>           of GR and TP responded by saying the only 
>           musical instrument she was permitted to use 
>           was a banjo... and she took that as a polite no.  
> That would be Laurie Anderson, who already made reference to 
> GR in Gravity's Angels:
>           Anderson: Thomas Pynchon I admire very much. 
>           And now I'm using "artist" in the broadest sense of 
>           the word. Gravity's Rainbow is just so beautiful 
>           because it's very multidimensional. I really like books 
>           that you can kind of hear as much as think about, that 
>           are so graphic and visual. I wanted to make an opera 
>           of that book, actually, and I wrote to him and asked 
>           him if that would be OK (I actually found him; he's 
>           quite reclusive). And he wrote me this funny letter. He
>           said, 'You can do it, but you can only use banjo.' And 
>           so I thought, 'Well, thanks. I don't know if I could do it 
>           like that.' I suppose it was his polite way of saying, 'No. 
>           No way can you do this.'
> http://www.transmitmedia.com/svr/vault/anderson/ander_transcript.html
> I wonder: If Against the Day every comes under the Oprah insignia,
> would Professor Irwin Corey show up with a bag over his head?
> http://www.irwincorey.org/

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