ATDTDA fizzling out?

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Fri Mar 30 09:55:04 CDT 2007

  I can "understand' finding the book lacking in.......something....maybe arguably what "novels' should have as some reviewer/critics whom I respect have written......But I think they are more worng than right and
  "Interesting" as even a failed work I think one "has' to see it as........It is NOTHING if not interesting, I aver.......
  And the fine discussion leaders and insights from a few have made me find it only more interesting.......have led me to "understand" so much of what were only irritating "puzzles' to me.......
  Anyway, I hope you stay and get your mind changed.....OR become the voice of dissent that can refine everyone's thoughts.
  The great doctor Johnson thought Tristram Shandy "would never last" and dissed much Shakespeare, including Hamlet, I believe........And look at many of the reviews of earlier Pynchon, even GR, as well as this ATD. 
  You must like some earlier Pynchon, so maybe compare and contrast as they used to say in school?
  Jump more in.
  Mark K.

Jasper <jasper.fidget at> wrote:
  On Fri, 2007-03-30 at 12:49 +0000, Carvill John wrote:
> >From: Jasper
> >My problem is I don't find the book very interesting, and I don't find
> >studying it very rewarding. The hosts have done a great job, and
> >several others have contributed some fantastic insights, but given
> >limited time for such things, I find most of my attention diverted
> >elsewhere.
> >
> Hmmmm. Well you're free to not find the book very interesting of course. But 
> isn't this your first p-list post since you took Robin to task for posting 
> 'political spam' (which he hadn't done anyway):
> >Not to nag, but in the future could you mark the political spam NP
> i>nstead of AtDTDA? Thanks a bunch, poncho.

You're telling me this isn't political spam?:

> Which poses the question, why complain when someone posts something which 
> (in your view) is not related to the Group read, when you yourself aren't 
> interested in the Group Read?

I tried to be interested. I really tried.

> And the further question, if you're not interested in the Pynchon book, and 
> you're not interested in the discussion of the Pynchon book, and you're not 
> interested in other topics which get posted to the list, well, you 
> know............

I'm interested in lots of stuff that gets posted here. When did I say I
wasn't? But you've got me on two counts of disinterest (since you're
the one counting): political spam and Against the Day. Now why are you
so interested in me?

> Eh Poncho?
> Cheers
> JC
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