Who is the next host?

robinlandseadel at comcast.net robinlandseadel at comcast.net
Tue May 1 09:31:15 CDT 2007

And yes, let's all hear it for our host for the last two weeks!

Just in case anybody's interested, I'm all set for 219-239, noting:

"Enlightenment is a dodgy proposition. It all depends on how much you want to risk . . . ."

So if the Quail fails to reveal himself, I'd be ready for the following week, at least.
 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Ya Sam" <takoitov at hotmail.com>
> Unfortunately I didn't put the schedule into a separate folder and therefore 
> I am a bit lost here, who's the brave one to tackle the infernal wasteland 
> of Jeshimon?
> And let's not forget to give one more round of applause for Peter Petto.
> http://www.magnumgroupinc.com/images/recpic.jpg
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