Luigi Serafini - Codex Seraphinianus

Werner Presber wernerpresber at
Tue May 1 17:04:32 CDT 2007

Luigi Serafini - Codex Seraphinianus via flickr

or via Grey Lodge Occult Review #18

[Size: 149mb !!!!! - Comic Book Reader (cbr) format - You can  
download Comic Book Viewers/Readers here]

NOTE! It has come to our attention that some mac users have problems  
with this file. Re-naming the file to Codex Seraphinianus.cbz seems  
to fix the problem. is a highly idiosyncratic magnum opus by an Italian architect  
indulging his sense of fancy to the hilt. It consists of two volumes  
in a completely invented language (including the numbering system,  
which is itself rather esoteric), penned entirely by the author,  
accompanied by thousands of beautifully drawn colour pictures of the  
most fantastic scenes, machines, beasts, feasts, and so on. It  
purports to be a vast encyclopedia of a hypothetical land somewhat  
like the earth, with many creatures resembling people to various  
degrees, but many creatures of unheard-of bizarreness promenading  
throughout the countryside. Serafini has sections on physics,  
chemistry, mineralogy (including many drawings of elaborate gems),  
geography, botany, zoology, sociology, linguistics, technology,  
architecture, sports (of all sorts), clothing, and so on. The  
pictures have their own internal logic, but to our eyes they are  
filled with utter non sequiturs.
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