Fwd: Shorter Oxford English Dictionary

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at gmail.com
Thu May 3 13:44:40 CDT 2007

On 5/3/07, Ya Sam <takoitov at hotmail.com> wrote:
> It goes without saying that OED is the best companion when hunting down
> obscure words in Pynchon but it is unlikely that I'll ever get the 20 volume
> set. Hence my question: Does anyone here have the 2 volume SOED? Is it
> enough for you when reading logomaniac authors, would you recommend it?

I have a copy (a History Book Club introductory selection, at one
time, CHEAP), plus there's on at a bar we at least used to frequent
(and used to frequently argue about words at).  I can say that we DID
come up with words that were missing, but I can't remember what, so

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