Shorter Oxford English Dictionary

mikebailey mikebailey at
Thu May 3 20:56:21 CDT 2007

years ago I got a 2-volume complete OED in tiny print, which came
with a magnifying glass.  I've found I don't need the magnifying glass,
being nearsighted anyway.  Supposedly it has all the text of the
It was a bonus item for joining the Literary Guild book club.
Unfortunately, they're not currently showing that item on their site

I found several references on the web to Quality Paperback Book
Club giving free unlimited online access to OED with a membership,
but they are all old (circa 2002) - the QPB site doesn't mention it
that I could find.

For the complete updated OED2 in 1991, they also came out with a
1 volume edition with even tinier print.
I've not seen that one.

Subscriptions to the site for online access are $295, but the wikipedia
article says anyone belonging to a public library that subscribes is
able to access it from their home.  (assuming the library makes that
available) - that might be something to check, also if you have any
connections with a large company or university that may subscribe.

	 I use my old one fairly often, and it's also kind of fun to just
browse.  But now I am starting to wonder if I'm missing anything with OED2....

On Thu, 3 May 2007, Ya Sam wrote:

> It goes without saying that OED is the best companion when hunting down
> obscure words in Pynchon but it is unlikely that I'll ever get the 20 volume
> set. Hence my question: Does anyone here have the 2 volume SOED? Is it
> enough for you when reading logomaniac authors, would you recommend it?
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