Thanks, Robin!

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Sun May 13 19:47:54 CDT 2007

Thanks, I considered it a gift, and it's just 
about the weirdest gift I've ever recieved. 
Started up re-reading Gravity's Rainbow 
today---if you start reading GR right now, 
there's a smooth, eerie transition from 
Edwardian London to the aftermath, the 
remnants of Edwardian London---using a 
color coding system that utilizes little 
multicolored metallicized stick-on stars, 
just like Slothrop's, only glitzer. 

Thanks to those brave souls among you 
who made such illuminating posts, I thank you 
Paul Nightingale, Keith, Glenn Scheper, 
Bryan Snyder, David Morris, Tore Rye 
Andersen, Mark Kohut, Dave Monroe, 
Monte Davis, Ya Sam and everyone else 
who sent back messages in envelopes 
covered with sigils. I learned quite a bit in 
the process. I was jumping up and waving 
my hand in the manner of Hermione Granger 
when the temporal hole emerged. This 
particular aspect of Pynchon's work---the part 
that deals with magic/k, is the part I've drawn 
the most from, largely because of the aspect
of magic that Pynchon seems particularly focused 
on: the Summoning of Angels. Think of Pynchon's 
use, his placement of angelic intervention in his 
work, just about all of it. And yes, at the end of the 
day you're still dealing with a guy who's an author, 
if he's magical at anything, it's gonna be words. . . .
and I'm quite keen on Tarot cards, thanks to TRP.

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Ya Sam" <takoitov at>

Brilliant ad hoc hosting, man.

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