AtDTdA (9): 245 [Today's kick-ass, pt 1] ]

Keith keithsz at
Wed May 16 22:24:04 CDT 2007

I know the topic for today is duality, but the Chums' orders are  
issued by the great 'invisibilty' that is at work under the surface  
of Pynchon's work. Atd has the highest occurrence per page of the  
word 'invisible' and its variants than any previous novel. This  
'invisibility' is none other then what the Hindoo call 'Brahman' and  
is the invisible/indivisible one-ness manifesting the dualities of  
the phenomenal world of maya for its own amusement.

On May 16, 2007, at 6:21 AM, robinlandseadel at wrote:

           Todays kick-ass essay question:
           So who issues the Chums' orders? Some government
           or commercial entity? Something beyond Earth, beyond
           time, God? What does it say about the Chums that they
           don't know? And what does it mean that they are
           beginning to ask questions? People interested in
           connecting AtD with other works by the same author
           might do well here; fortunately, I'm not one of them
           (heh, sic).

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