Atta (9): 242: Today's kick-ass question

kelber at kelber at
Thu May 17 11:03:09 CDT 2007

This is a huge, Pynchonesque (multi-layered, multi-dimensional) world.  Sweeping statements about the end of democracy, the coming age of theocracy, miss the nuances.  Consider the following link, for example:

There are enagaged, involved free-thinkers around the planet who, for the first time, thanks to the internet, reach out to each other.  Human rights activists, labor activists, artists, environmentalists, and anti-corporate types are all out there fighting the good fight.  They form their own Shambhala-like nation.  I like to think we're part of it.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Daniel Harper <daniel.e.harper at>

>I've gotta head to work in a sec, but in my darker moments I worry that this
>concept we call liberal democracy is basically coming to an end. Right now
>it's really only Western Europe and parts of North America that even pay lip
>service to things like freedom of speech and the like, there's been a
>gradual creep towards oppressive religion even in this country, and the
>forces of good can't hold off the powers of totalitarianism forever.
>I'd only be mildy suprised if we aren't living in a de facto theocracy
>before my natural life has ended. And Western Europe isn't that far
>On 5/17/07, Monte Davis <monte.davis at> wrote:
>>  Mike Bailey writes:
>> > actually, don't you think it's really the coming thing, and that
>> lopsided power relations are
>> > gradually being phased out systemwide as unsatisfactory to all
>> concerned?
>> Umm.... no. I'm somewhat sanguine about reductions in "lopsidedness" on
>> racial, sexual, and imperial lines -- but on a 50-to-500 year time scale, I
>> don't see that nation-states, corporations, religions -- or political
>> systems advancing claims akin to those of religions -- are in much danger
>> of "being phased out."

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