Miscellany to my few groups

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at earthlink.net
Thu May 17 15:52:05 CDT 2007

Sue Wrote:
> June is getting close and it seems I am sensing
> major things are just around the corner.

Like Iran going nuclear in June?  Or...

Way back I heard in the spirit that my freeware tool
will be finished by summer, also that I am on track!

I have finally finished adding a competent web search
capability in my freeware, querying 9 english engines
for now, but later tailorable. Please give it a spin:

Words, Extended
Internet text information retrieval and extraction tool.

Quick-start instructions:
1. Try 'Add Web Search'. It's only begun, but already amazing.
2. Try 'Add Web Page' and paste in a URL. Or try 'Add Cache'.
3. In the results view, click on any summary to read the text.
4. Arrows right/left/up = faster/slower/stop smooth scrolling.
5. In a web page view, click on a word to start a word search.
6. In a results view, click a result item to get the web page.
7. Use Ctrl+V to paste in whole IE or email texts for reading
8. Congratulations, you advanced Internet text researcher!
  -- file://InternalText/Help/Usage

But the big event, the cleansing of the temple, I'd
think will almost coincide with next New Year's eve.
It could be an ousting of Bush, or something bigger.

I have a utilty to count days from 9/11, and it says:
2001-09-11,     0.
2001-09-10,     1, 2001-09-12.
2001-09-09,     2, 2001-09-13.
1995-05-26,  2300, 2007-12-29.

I previously pointed out that Kofi's 7 days of promoting
an iraq resolution was 1260 before 9/11, and Patriot Act
45 days later, all +/- 1 day (for time zones?) from news.

While making trial queries, I ran across a couple of gems:

The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended by Isaac Newton
  -- http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/1/5/7/8/15784/15784-h/15784-h.htm

Newton pins down many mythological names on historical figures.
I was seeking the Oracles of Hystaspes, a pattern of Revelation.
I'm moving back in history trying to sort out religious threads.
Dynastic ancestor worship seems contrasted with solar worship.

...instituting Temples and Priests and sacred Rites to themselves,
caused the nations to worship them after death as Gods:
  -- http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/1/5/7/8/15784/15784-h/15784-h.htm

521. Darius the son of Hystaspes Reigns. The Magi are slain. The various 
Religions of the several Nations of Persia, which consisted in the worship of 
their ancient Kings, are abolished; and by the influence of Hystaspes and 
Zoroaster, the worship of One God, at Altars, without Temples is set up in all 
  -- http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/1/5/7/8/15784/15784-h/15784-h.htm

One-third of the way through, and long before reaching these facts,
I heard in the Spirit, Holy Spirit I assume: "Jupiter respected me."

The Greeks reckon Osiris and Bacchus to be sons of Jupiter, and the Egyptian 
name of Jupiter is Ammon.
  -- http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/1/5/7/8/15784/15784-h/15784-h.htm

Sesostris being brought up to hard labour by his father Ammon, warred first 
under his father, being the Hero or Hercules of the Egyptians during his 
father's Reign, and afterward their King:
  -- http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/1/5/7/8/15784/15784-h/15784-h.htm

The Arabians worshipped only two Gods, Cœlus, otherwise called Ouranus, or 
Jupiter Uranius, and Bacchus: and these were Jupiter Ammon and Sesac, as above: 
and so also the people of Meroe above Egypt [274] worshipped no other Gods but 
Jupiter and Bacchus, and had an Oracle of Jupiter, and these two Gods were 
Jupiter Ammon and Osiris, according to the language of Egypt.
  -- http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/1/5/7/8/15784/15784-h/15784-h.htm

This page also looks good:
Lives of the Necromancers, by William Godwin
  -- http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/etext04/lvnec10.txt

Speaking of DieNasty, doesn't this Idol Shepherd sound like Bush?

 11:15 And the LORD said unto me,
 Take unto thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd.
 11:16 For,
 I will raise up a shepherd in the land,
 which shall not visit those that be cut off,
 neither shall seek the young one,
 nor heal that that is broken,
 nor feed that that standeth still:
 but he shall eat the flesh of the fat,
 and tear their claws in pieces.

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at + earthlink.net
Copyleft(!) Forward freely.

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