Atta (9): 242: Today's kick-ass question

David Morris fqmorris at
Fri May 18 09:41:22 CDT 2007

Yep.  Florence Italy.  And I do count myself lucky.  My first trip to
Europe, and, as I'm an architect, I think of Florence as a sort of
Mecca.  And I intend to spend the whole time in just that City - LOTS
of walking...

But do you really think Pynchon might have intended that section as a
spoof on Atlas Shrugged?  Maybe so...  Otherwise I think it is a bit
of an embarrassment.

Another interesting thing I'm observing as the book rolls towards its
close is the tremendous amount of sex everyone is having!  Really a
concentrated amount within a short number of pages...

David Morris

On 5/18/07, mikebailey <mikebailey at> wrote:
> On Thu, 17 May 2007, David Morris (if I parse correctly) wrote:
> > I'm  in the 900's now, and won't finish AtD before I leave for a 2 week trip to Florence,
> Lucky, lucky person!  that'd be Florence, It'ly?
> > read the section where ...
> > ...I really felt like I was reading some sort of political tract (OK, it's not THAT extreme).  Thank God it doesn't go on for endless pages, and it's written in a comic manner...
> > other than those two qualifiers,
> which are fairly major
> > I immediately thought of the long preachy segment towards the end of Atlas Shrugged (Yuck!).
> but, wait, maybe it's an intentional satire...on that segment... in which case it would be pretty funny: the world going to hell in a handbasket, and these chosen few...

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