AtDTdA: (9) 257

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Mon May 21 09:01:52 CDT 2007

Great stuff, all.
  Re: yo mama jokes......linguistic history finds the antecedent in "playing the dozens"..which
  Franz Ferdinand did in Chicago earlier in the book.
  That the Chums are working for a military organization I had sorta forgotten....the above and this fact links these fictional characters with.....war. Not a loose connection in Pynchon's world.

Jasper <jasper.fidget at> wrote:
  257 The Chums in Venice (continued)

Page 257
Contrabuoyancy Devices
Sounds like plausible military terminology (Anti-Personnel Munitions, 
Area-Denial Mines). A reminder that the Chums are part of a military 
organization, as with the next note:


"post-engagement critique"
The Chummy version of an After Action Review


"What stood for a thousand years"
Pretty close: Construction of the Campanile began in the year 912.


Something that falls, drops or is shed, like leaves from a tree or baby 


"We had the weather-gauge"
Or, "weather-gage", meaning they had the wind at their backs pushing 
them in the direction they wished to follow. This is a common phrase in 
nautical narratives.


"/your maternal relation/"
"/transform them all/ into masonry"
Lindsay telling Darby his mother is a medusa


"Well, /your/ mother [...] is /so ugly/--"
Lindsay and Darby engaging in some "yo mama" jokes. Darby may have been 
inventing one of these:


neuræsthenic prostration
This is the third (at least) time Randolph has exhibited this tendency.

This is the third time that this word has appeared so far, but in the 
second instance (page 188) it was used by Nigel to describe Lew 
Basnight, not Randolph.

Not the word, but this reaction in Randolph occurred on pages 12 and 28. 
It seems to be a regular thing with him.

a psychological disorder marked especially by easy fatigability and 
often by lack of motivation, feelings of inadequacy, and psychosomatic 

complete physical or mental exhaustion : COLLAPSE b : the process of 
being made powerless or the condition of powerlessness


"a great wrong against History"
A wrong against History but not against humanity.

See also p. 259: "this strange interval forbidden to him to enter"


One of the earliest settlements in the Venice lagoon, part of the Lido [google maps]


"St. Cosmo. You are aware that something else is out there."
See 256: "something else about to emerge"

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