Bible thumpers

Bryan Snyder wilsonistrey at
Mon May 21 12:53:50 CDT 2007

Lol - good point... 

Um a very zealous Christian (from any denomination).  Sorry if Bible thumper
was offensive, which I guess it was... took a faulty stab at humor.  Easy
for a non-Chrsitian to do I guess.  Apologies.

But I would be very interested to maybe find some articles or archieved
Waste stuff regarding those who are (too be more respectful) daily
believers.  As opposed to the Sunday believer...


-----Original Message-----
From: Penny Padgett Harper [mailto:padgett.harper at] 
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 1:45 PM
To: pynchon-l at; wilsonistrey at
Subject: Bible thumpers

Bryan Snyder asks:

>Are there any bible thumpers (no offense) on the P-List??  Their
>take on some stuff would be very interesting indeed.

Define "bible thumper," then we'll talk.


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