AtDTdA: (9) 268-269

mikebailey mikebailey at
Thu May 24 23:52:38 CDT 2007

On Thu, 24 May 2007, Mark Kohut wrote:

>   Simplicity 2: Deuce and Sloat.....From V. onwards---that guy Schoonmaker?, who becomes
>   a plastic surgeon after the flyboy he has a kind of homoerotic crush on loses his face---and in GR, of course, men loving men is linked to men making war.

Pardon the obvious comments, but...all the plastic surgery sequences in V.
are great!  a-and, one of TRP's forebears was a plastic surgeon.

Schoenmaker; Schoen is German for "beautiful" (as in Danke Schoen,
which has no exact English equivalent, does it?)

strictly Germanic name would be more "Schoenmacher", but
"macher" & "maker" are pretty close in meaning in their respective tongues

>   And, I think we must see all of their sexual entanglements as a
>decadence...a falling away from lost true fully-human sexual encounters ala
TRP's lifelong vision.

you mean, a decky-dance?  (didn't get that till the 3rd time I read V.)

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