Bible thumpers, old and newuaker, Catholic,

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Thu May 24 23:57:58 CDT 2007

Does anyone doubt that Pynchon does? Does anyone doubt that 
Angels are terribly important to Pynchon?
Yes, I'm fairly certain that Tony Kushner believes in Angels. And this 
comes mostly from seeing San Francisco's A.C.T. rendition of 
Millenium Approaches/Perestroika, which was so much more powerful 
and "terrible" than the HBO rendition. And for that matter, so do I. They 
are, after all, an integral part of "Occult" work.

           Me (again)
           <<Pynchon's Biblical references are usually 
           in the satirical mode---he ain't C.S.Lewis, 
           folks---and his style of writing, first and foremost 
           is satire. I suspect that his knowledge and absorbtion 
           of Qabalistic systems points to an involvement in 
           occult practice. It's true that there's plenty of Biblical 
           references in AtD, but even more than GR, the uses 
           of Bibilcal references are usually satirical, and are 
           overwhelmed by occult references and references 
           to spiritual systems of an altogether preterite nature. 
           If Pynchon's a Christian, I'm a Hottentot.>>

           There's nothing here to disagree with and, if forced 
           to state an opinion, it would be this one.  But I just want 
           to insert a reminder that a spiritual dimension is a source 
           of riches for a novelist like Pynchon and it is, finally, 
           misguided to assume that what he expresses or finds 
           useful in his fiction is representative in any way of what 
           he actually thinks or feels.

           Does anyone suppose that Tony Kushner actually believes 
           in angels?

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