Bible thumpers, old and newuaker, Catholic,

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at
Fri May 25 12:25:59 CDT 2007

On May 25, 2007, at 12:57 AM, robinlandseadel at wrote:

> Does anyone doubt that Pynchon does? Does anyone doubt that
> Angels are terribly important to Pynchon?
> Yes, I'm fairly certain that Tony Kushner believes in Angels. And this
> comes mostly from seeing San Francisco's A.C.T. rendition of
> Millenium Approaches/Perestroika, which was so much more powerful
> and "terrible" than the HBO rendition. And for that matter, so do  
> I. They
> are, after all, an integral part of "Occult" work.

what's the difference between "believing" (in the above sense) and  

believing  in something makes it work for you--write better novels  
or  plays, stimulate the imagination

not that dissimilar from when I believe in Buddha or yoga in order to  
relax or get a good night's sleep

next day (or next novel) it's gone

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