ATDTDA (9): Dreams of freedom, 255

Paul Nightingale isreading at
Sat May 26 12:00:36 CDT 2007

Pugnax and Mostruccio also dream of freedom. Previously, it was Chick and
Darby who were resentful of their lives as Chums; Renata also expressed a
wish to be free of Austria. In the midst of such discontent the current
section opens with the Inconvenience liberated, "out of dry-dock at last,
shining and shipshape and somehow increased in size". The Chums, when Chick
arrives, are "a-thrum with excitement" that the Russians might be "preparing
for an engagement". This might be considered linear plot development; but
the dogs introduce another digression.

If repairs to the airship mean the Chums can now take off, and continue
being Chums, their time in Venice might, retrospectively, be seen in terms
of stasis. In the previous section Darby and Chick agree that they have no
marketable skills "down below" (254); which means they have no being.
Mostruccio has dreamed of flying (255); Pugnax is "a sympathetic soul" who,
like Darby and Chick before him, resents being "cooped up" aboard the
airship. I suppose the grass is always greener. In particular, when
dreaming, Mostruccio is "winged as any lion". Cf. Miles on his inability "to
tell subject from object. While remaining myself I was also the winged Lion
..." etc (251).

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