A Reviewer's Hunch--Wings of Desire--Rilke's Angels--Angels of Lubeck

robinlandseadel at comcast.net robinlandseadel at comcast.net
Sun May 27 19:23:22 CDT 2007

            As to whether Pynchon "believes" in Angels and the Angel 
            of Lubeck--We know he knows the  " Brockengespenst"  
            'Spectre of Brocken"  GR 330:29-- most famous in the 
            Hartz Mountains. . . .

Let me put it this way, if you'll allow me. Pynchon writes all the time 
regarding spritual systems that attempt, in some way, to contact to 
some sort of "higher" self. That's the bedrock of the Kabbalah, that's 
essentially the point of all those offspring of Blavatsky that appear 
throughout "Against the Day", ". . . .all those Theosophists and Rosi-
crucians and other non-schedualed theologies. . . ." [Lenny Bruce,
"Religions Inc."]. Throw in Rilke and while you're at, throw in a few
of them shamans comin' down the pike a ways. . . .

It hardly matters whether or not Pynchon "believes" in Angels, he's
always working with them in his novels---that's not the recreation 
of an amature, these are the workings of an adept, take it from there. . . .

By the way, love "Wings of Desire [I'll bet your all shocked], in 
particular Peter Falk just being Peter Falk, kinda like a Psychical
Private Dick, if ya catch where I'm comin' from. And all the Angels
in the library, where they belong.


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