Misc. Fascinating Fact re opening of V.

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Sun May 27 21:22:26 CDT 2007

While checking a couple-three things to do some wiki posting about V.---hey y'all, jump in and do it with me---I learned this incredible AMAZINGLY RELEVANT fact that, of course,
  shows Pynchon buries so much in the text, the discoveries are almost endless.... OR, if he did not know the fact, then his "projection of a world' just PREDICTED it, created it---in a Borges trope! 
  Get this: V. starts on Christmas Eve 1955, right?  Do y'all know that that was the first night EVER that NORAD [Strategic Air Command] was called about Santa's heavenly progress!!??!
  A Sears ad to call Santa had a typo...and the call went directly to the Director of Operations, Mr. Henry Shoup---decent P-name!---and when he got it, he played along ...and viola, a tradition was born.
  "Reindeers and a happy fat man laughed across the sky. It had happened before, but there was nothing to compare it to now.", so to speak. Amazing. 
  Check it out!

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