p. 566

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 2 19:33:49 CDT 2007

I especially resonate with the sub-atomic particles simultaneously in different places
  as a part of TRP's working visiion in AtD.
  Tarot probable, but I don't get/know anything about that (yet)
  like the Bunyan "dark pilgrim"......whichh might be the title of a book on Our Beloved Author, yes?....
  but maybe 'corrupted' for TRP means not even 'dark'?....despoiled before even getting to the gates?       Despoiled in AtD?        (as I see part of TRPs vision of religious belief, faith in V., say? )  and as all is 'corrupted' in GR?

braam <avalokita at dodo.com.au> wrote:
          or outside of Time..before Time begins..
  sub-atomic particles were found "simultaneously" in different places
  after they had split, bifurcated into time&space
  also cross/crucify/crucified by time&space as in tarot card The Hanged Man...
  and in Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress, he gets to the gates of heaven, meets
  a dark pilgrim he'd met way back in the first chapters, who'd found his own path to the gates
  and was'nt allowed in, because he had'nt followed the prescribed path...
  just some random reflections...
    ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Mark Kohut 
  To: pynchon -l 
  Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 10:32 AM
  Subject: p. 566

  What does "Within the mirror,....etc., etc......where salvation does not yet exist" mean to
  What is a "corrupted pilgrim's guide"?
  some Time before Religion?
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