p. 576 Grace again---Spoiler if AtD is not yet finished

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 3 07:41:42 CDT 2007

This e-mail is a spoiler to all who have not yet finsihed AtD..
  For those who remember our discovery/discussion of 'grace"......the last line, what the
  Chums flew into.............and
  What Lew Basnight felt one day in Chicago.......everything being as it was.......
  Now, A Dr. Grace appears to Hunter Penhallow in a dream and talks about the war in "outer Europe"----[where is
  this place? is it counterpointed to an "inner Europe"?].....
  the mass-grave-to-be---WW1-----and people 'eager to pass into it".........
  as in GR's theme of (partially) willing the war..................
  death wish as the Freudians und so on named it.........
  This is a vision of/from grace?..........seeing things, even the deathly future 'without exhilaration".......as they are? As it is and will be?
  In ATD, TRP says:........this is History, we have to accept it; we do accept it as we live our
  lives [captured in the Chums' compressed Growing-up?] and fly off into grace anyway? 
  Comments wanted.

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