Live, more or less, from the deck of the Inconvenience

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Mon Nov 12 11:27:17 CST 2007

                    So, here's some unraveled rambling, 
                    what my overview [thus far] of the 
                    House of Pynchon. . . .

. . . ..working title: House of Pynchon, House of Bush. . . .

                    What ever is at the absolute bottom of 
                    the Chums of Chance one thing stands out---
                    in a series of revisionist fictions---how much 
                    control did the House of Pynchon have over 
                    the The New York Times anyway?---George
                    M. Pynchon is portrayed as both a financier 
                    of highest rank and both a fancier of yachts
                    and a prodigal yacht racer. One can't help 
                    but notice that these---doubtless thrilling---
                    yacht races commanded so many column 
                    inches in the newspaper of record. The Names
                    of the crafts, the erudite albeit slightly 
                    distanced narratorial tone, suggesting a layer 
                    of social status several steps removed, the
                    tone of the  fable that follows all are reminiscent 
                    of the highly ficionalized lives of the Pynchons 
                    found in that lines [currently] most famous son, 
                    particularly in Against the Day.

                    What research was Pynchon doing in all those 
                    libraries, all those years? It seems like a very 
                    simple explanation would do: documenting 
                    and chronicling his family's history then spitting 
                    it back in a kind of 'family' code, the jokes only 
                    brothers and sisters and so on can really understand.

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