Karl-Hans Janke vs. Wernher von Braun

Werner Presber wernerpresber at yahoo.de
Tue Nov 20 17:57:24 CST 2007

Karl-Hans Janke vs. Wernher von Braun

„Karl Hans Janke, a patient with unquestionable technical talent,  
sees himself as an artist and a technical designer. From 1948 until  
his death in 1988 he created about 4.000 works — for instance  
paintings and models of strange spaceships.“

1 Karl Hans Janke

the english version is not ok. you must go to the german version to  
see the gallery!

2 Karl-Hans Janke vs. Wernher von Braun
german version  only

3 Die Stille des Fliegens
Karl Hans Janke trifft Panamarenko und Ziolkowski german version  only

have a nice day

Werner Presber

Mein Weblog: Scheinriese

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