It's about time. . . .

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Thu Nov 1 14:39:16 CDT 2007

David Morris:
GR clearly includes supra-national corporations (including banks - but
he resisted references to a really much more sinister "corporation"
called the Illuminati) as one of the agents of conspiracy/paranoia,
but I think too many take that never-was-a-secret message as the
literal heart of the book's construction.  The message is much more
abstract and broadly inclusive than that.  The act of connecting the
dots is the very mechanism of perception, and patterns are visible (if
one looks hard enough - or takes the right drugs) in EVERYTHING, real
or imagined.  And how far down into the structure of existence these
patterns persist contains its own possibility of conspiracy beyond the
realm of humanity.  That is more the revelation of GR than some John
Birch Society message (which far pre-dated GR).

Great response, David, and a reminder that there's good old fashioned quality of 
writing, the aesthetics of Literature, the pure poetry of Gravity's Rainbow to 
take into consideration. The Temperance card as drawn by Rilke rules over that book.

I do get caught up in the conspiracy, and often read Pynchon 
for connective threads like those found in CoL49, but I see your point.

Mind you, I'm still wandering lost with Oedipa, making observations about the 

But I really do have to get back to Proust.

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