AtDTDA: What Chicago Hears / "ewige Blumenkraft" - historical faction questions / Barth

Mr Haney bonhommie-man at
Tue Nov 13 11:39:53 CST 2007

robinlandseadel cited 
> From the New York Times, July 29, 1897> > According to Mr. Pynchon, the Flower element > dominates the market now. 
Proto-flower power!
Now what I'd like to take a course on is the relationship betw
Henry Adams's political crowd, and the political-regulatory
climate of "GM Pynchon" and his crew.
And of course the sort of telomeres of power that developed
around the Civil War; with the Boston crowd's slavery-involvement
highlighted...I think Adams 'n' them were anti-,
where did Pynchon stand?
(BBH was involved on the side of the Confederacy
(not that _that_ in particular is what made them evil...if indeed
they are evil) ...and maybe the mysterious reversal (Harriman/George M)
was like a Renfrew-Werfner thing?
ie - how admirable was Pynchon?  Maybe he faked his downfall,
(like Ken Lay faked his death, maybe?) and re-surfaced in deep
cover as Harriman?
I don't hero-worship Morgan, based on a soupcon of study...
should my gritty, proletarian, but non-subversive persona set about to
find things to like about him?  By comparison: would Pynchon-Morgan
have been less worse?  
any bios of that early Pynchon around?  
Just bought & read John Barth's "Once Upon a Time" -- lots of fun there.
Climb to the top of the charts!  Play Star Shuffle:  the word scramble challenge with star power.
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