The 'Waste' Law | Pynchon's genealogical influences

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Wed Nov 21 14:06:01 CST 2007

For what it's worth, I really don't have the same specific 
attachments or paranoias as Charles Hollander. I don't
think OBA's jealous, but I do think that for a while he was 
terrified.When one of your best friends is blown away and 
you've got a bit of knowledge about power and how it gets 
used [particularly in the golden age of spycraft and 
assassination], you can reach some really scary conclusions. 

Gravity's Rainbow, after all, is dedicated to Richard Farina. 

Remember Weissmann's tarot reading?

          If you're wondering where he's gone, look among the 
          successful academics, the Presidential advisers, the 
          token intellectuals who sit on boards of directors. 
          He is almost surely there. Look high, not low.

               His future card, the card of what will come, 
               is the World.

          GR, P764

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "David Morris" <fqmorris at>
> Just in case there was any doubt/offense-taking out there, this post
> below was meant as a joke.  But It is the implication of Hollander's
> take on Pynchon's family history and how it affects his work:  jealous
> resentment.
> I think it's a crock.
> David Morris
> On Nov 21, 2007 11:17 AM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I think both his camera-shy reclusiveness and his coded reference to
> > his family's fall from monetary superstardom have to do with his
> > painfully bad teeth, and his parent's inability to pay for childhood
> > braces:
> >
> >
> >

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