Fwd: Pandora Radio

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at gmail.com
Fri Nov 23 13:49:53 CST 2007

On 11/23/07, James Kyllo <jkyllo at gmail.com> wrote:

> http://www.last.fm/
> 10 x better imo

Have 'em running side by side, starting @ the same point.  So far,
Pandora has been wider-ranging/less predictable, which can be good and
bad.  Me, i'd just as soon hear something i haven't heard before, but
it might also indiacte that whatever parameters are involved are
perhaps too wide, not involved enough, like someone who says, if you
like A, then you'll like B, when you actually hate B; certain fine
points perhaps aren't being taken into account ...

Either way, though, so far, the subsequent tracks have made some kinda
sort sense, though flow is of course a problem.  I will say, Pandora
is playing multiple tracks by the same artist, which doesn't seem
quite right to me.  Last.fm, meanwhil, is now playing a track by guys
I know personally, ran into one of 'em @ a record shop recently, even.
 To my ear, Pandora has been more adventurous, last.fm has been more
focused, but that's relative to what i think the salient qualities of
my initial selection are.  Again, I can at least see why each
"station" plays what it does.  I suspect Last.fm has been around
longer, and thus has been "trained" in ways Pandora hasn't yet.

Anyway, both seem analogous to amazon.com recommendations ...

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