robinlandseadel at
robinlandseadel at
Sun Oct 7 10:15:07 CDT 2007
Nick Toscheswhen he's on, which isn't a givenis exciting as a writer in
many of the same ways Pynchon is exciting as a writer. "DinoLiving
High in the Dirty Business of Dreams" is Nick's best book. Everything
about this novelistic bio is inspired, partictularly the quality of Nick's
Here's a randomly selected passage:
Dean turned forty-six in June. All he seemed to remember were
the colors of breezes. Long ago in a hotel room in Cleveland,
a rainy early-autumn gust had come through an open window
and stirred the curtains like sighing, sullen ghosts; and he had
felt something. Now his oldest boy, Craig, was a man. He had
joined the army, been sent off to Germany, had met a Tucson
girl named Sandy Pfiffer there. Now, on June 29, Craig's
twenty-first birthday, they were marrying.
Other breezes, other nights: Claudia was nineteen now. She
wanted to be an actress, a singer, something. Sinatra's
daughter Nancy also wanted to be an actress, a singer,
something. Her father was giving her a part in a picture, a
half-assed plug for Pepsi-Cola called For Those Who Think
Young, that Sinatra Enterprises was making with James
Darren at Paramount. Dean talked to Frank and got Claudia
a part. They would start filming in August. She was in love,
she said. Some guaglione fresh from a fucking Juarez divorce.
Gavin Murrell, a name like a character in one of these stupid
fucking pictures. In July. she ran off and married him. That
was bad enough. She divorced him just as suddenly. Dean
sat her down and shut the door. She left the house in tears;
and the two of them did not speak for months.
Nick Tosches, DinoLiving High in the Dirty Business of Dreams
pg. 352
Very much like Pynchon, Tosches offers up a well researched revisionist history,
noting the real lines of power in Hollywood, not to mention Stubenville, Pa.
Tosches also offers up a somewhat Luddite perspective of technology:
RCA had marketed its first television receivers in 1939, and now,
nine years later, there were still fewer than a million sets in
America, and almost half of those were in New York. Those
who had them had not been able to see much. But now those
ugly little devices were beginning to hum and flicker with
gathering gales of gray inscet fury, joy and plague, mediocrity
and madness, from that vast funhouse maw of metastic delights.
[op. cit, pg. 164]
One of the things that Tosches does well [spectacularly, truth to tell] is
switch voices, have a wide variety of voices of narration and character.
In particular, I love his mimicing of the bizzare line delivery of a well
known actor in the hilarious Robert Stack poems:
When I, as Robert Stack,
Go in for the Operation
When I, as Robert Stack,
go in for the operation, I will know
the scent of alcohol on cotton, which
I have known before; but will know
the scent as well of my true soul,
of that mystery unsolved, indwelling,
beneath my hide.
And I will dress conservatively,
hem to patella and no whorish
neckline, and as ever, will stand tall;
and the breasts beneath my Burberry
will know pride, and, though in my
desire shall be mine to be fulfilled.
And I, as Robert Stack, will know
not only the feel of nylon
upon the varicosity of truth
but will know as well the pulse
of moon. of tide within the vessel of my
kind, and the armor of my sterness
will know softness, and I will smile
to behold the print of pale magenta
upon the teacup in my hands, held just so,
as I drink at last from life in freedom
and in full, in Lycra, and in pride.
And thus I go to Denver, with heartbeat
that is calm, knowing I do only as Jack
Palance would do, were he but half the
man, or half the woman, that I be. No, let
Jack sit in shame in blue kimono with
houseboy at his side. I am done with all
such doings, am done with all such lies.
And when I say that men, they are
such fools, I will know, mesdames, whereof
I speak, for I did walk among them.
[Nick Tosches reader, Da Capo press, pgs. 455/456]
. . . .Tosches has wound up reality so tightly with this book that
once you've read it you may feel the need to reread it every
few months or so before it all begins to . . . unravel.
. . . .Criticism's here state that you don't see the man behind
the facade, how can this be a criticism when it forms the whole
backbone and fabric of the man, Dean Martin WAS an enigma,
not to be catagorised or pidgeon holed, later books written by
members of his own family bear this out, a very complex and
introspective individual not renowned for showing emotion or
weakness who was impossible to fully fathom, Tosches here
take's the author common liberty when faced with the issue of
frequently writing Dean's feelings from his own viewpoint, an
often dangerous road to take but here you can't help but
appreciate the author's obvious affinity with his subject and
the book is all the more enjoyable for it. . . .
-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Dave Monroe" <against.the.dave at>
> Anyone have any recommendations? Wide open ...
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