and the Nobel goes to

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Thu Oct 11 08:11:23 CDT 2007

On 10/11/07, Mark Kohut <markekohut at> wrote:

> as was said, they love left-leaning political commitment....
> Ya Sam <takoitov at> wrote:
> Doris Lessing

I got up early for the announcement, then had to wait actually to be
able to get online.  Nothing against Lessing per se, though it's been
a while since I've seen her mentioned as a contender (I'm guessing,
compromise winner), but I'd've just as soon see a non-English writin'
laureate, 'cos now it means it's just gonna be even that much more,
uh, longer before Pynchon gets his, if at all, so ...

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