Von Braun
Monte Davis
monte.davis at verizon.net
Thu Oct 11 09:40:30 CDT 2007
Sorry, don't know what came over me.
Germans who designed weapons were bad, bad men.
Our WWII was a good, good war, because ends cannot be corrupted by means.
Being asphyxiated and/or incinerated at home in an Axis city is incomparable
to being asphyxiated and/or incinerated at the end of a train ride. As would
be being promptly incinerated by the thermonuclear warheads of which we and
the Russians currently have 36,400. Many of ours are on missiles that we
were hornswoggled into building by a bad, bad man, but that's OK because we
only built them so we'll never have to use them.
Most of all, Our Beloved Author would never be so inconsiderate of our
righteous comfort as to muddy these certainties.
-Card-Carrying Deconstructionalist
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