NP: 2008 USA Presidential Election Pollitics

Henry scuffling at
Fri Oct 12 09:24:55 CDT 2007

NP? :-)

Anyone wanna bet that if Hillary Clinton is the Democrats' candidate, the
anybody-but-Hillary votes of misogynists, Catholics, Baptists, and other
FoxNews watchers, the "well-to-do," i.e. do better than you, their servants
and other would-be "well-to-do," will have their vote gotten-out and produce
a landslide for the Republican candidate, no matter who HE is? (Not to
mention the people who will vote for Giuliani 'cause 11-9 was on his watch
and they have no idea what an awful mayor he was.)  

Clinton currently has a lead, but it's over Obama.  The Republicans can all
claim that, while they patriotically support our troops (yeah, sure) and the
president (even the man who stood up to torture but who rubber-stamped
non-specific "interrogation" guidelines after pro-forma concerns; he used to
be a gadfly, now he's sell-out Machiavellian Manichean McCain).  And they'll
say "Other than oppose Bush, what have the Democrats done for you lately,
more than 200 days after they became the majority?"  (by a barely useable
margin, by the way)


-----Original Message-----
From: David Morris
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: Von Braun

In fact the neocons consciously proposed the Iraq war as a way purging
the Vietnam-defeatist mentality from the US.  It was revealing when
Bush suggested we shouldn't leave Iraq because we would then be
repeating the mistake of pulling out of the Vietnam war - if only we'd
stayed, we'd have won (which fantasy he'd like to maintain by refusing
to withdraw from Iraq - leaving it to the next president to "fail").
THAT was the revision to history that they wanted to teach us with
their macho Iraq war.  And ironically their hubris seems to have
brought us back full circle (almost).  And now the Republican party is
in full melt-down, probably to remain a minority party for the next 20
years...  The only silver lining in this very dark cloud we've been
under for so long.

David Morris

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