ATDTDA (19): Never even heard of this place, 523-524

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Mon Oct 15 10:43:44 CDT 2007

  I have been reading essays/lit crit all my order to learn how to read better....
  Last week, I reread the best advice one great reader/critic [R. P. Blackmur] said:
  "Read as intelligently as you can........."

Glenn Scheper <glenn_scheper at> wrote:
  Paul Nightingale's observations were magnificent, as always:
> The chapter is ending with her, as it began.
> Dally's presence was signified by the context, since she remained nameless...
> It was Katie who was motionless as the ship "dwindle[d] ...
> By the end of the chapter, Dally is separated from those characters ...

So, how can I learn to become more like Paul?

Short of a few year more at college--the first few didn't do me much good--
is there a laundry list of concepts I could surf up to bone up on lit crit,
the how-to-do part? It's all a void in my mind. A list would be as pinions,
GPS coordinates, a 1000 points of light, to mark out the void for filling.

Not like a laundry list can do justice to the topic, but just since doing
Melanie Klein, and learning about the idea of the container, for cathexis,
I've realized my responsibility to provide that in my marital relationship,
and it feels like just thinking on that responsibility is producing fruit.

Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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